Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Having a better period

As a woman, I dread the once a month that my period gives me the beat down. I'm lethargic, my stomach hurts, I'm nauseous; I just feel like crap for two days. This period is different. I didn't have cramps for a week before I started and I have none of the usual symptoms, besides some manageable cramping.

How did I do it?

1. I don't eat a lot of sugar- as if sugar already doesn't have a bad rep, it's going to get an even worse one. Eating a lot of sugar causes the lining in your uterus to thicken, which means a heavier and painful period. Limit sugar and refined carbs.

2. I drink tea daily- the cramping you feel is due to your uterus releasing the blood. Drinking decaf tea like green tea or herbal teas help your uterus relax.

3. I had a cup of milk- it was about 1/4 cup of milk and you should have some form of calcium daily, but calcium relieves the other symptoms of your period including bloating and moodiness.

4. I do yoga- moderate exercise actually helps relieve period symptons. It is advised to stay away from strenuous exercise during the first days of your period, but a few yoga moves may help relieve cramps.

the cat stretch: position yourself with your hands and knees parallel to each other, when you inhale arch your back and when you exhale, release the arch. Do this for ten complete breaths.

the cobra pose: when you're done with the cat stretch, extend your legs and bend your elbows slightly, arch your upper body until your arms are straight. Do for ten breaths.

the wind release pose: lay on your back with your body straight. Bend your body as if you were doing a sit up, with your leg and head meeting and hold for 3 seconds, release and alternative five times.

the dead corpse pose: lay with your limbs out, as if you're dead, and breathe through your nose for ten complete breaths.

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