Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Science of Oranges

I'm on a budget that's getting tighter everyday, so I look for the best food bargains I can find and I found some Dandrea oranges for $1 for a pack of four or five. I bought two because Martin's didn't have anything better. Some of them were bad but I found two decent packages. It was only yesterday that I discovered my Orangs contained more than oranges.

Ingredients (which were printed very small on the label): food grade vegetable beeswax and/or lac-resin based wax or resin, thiabendozole, imazortho-phenyl, imazilli. What's up with the and/ors?

food grade vegetable beeswax- (it was hell finding a definition for this so I just looked up beeswax) this is known as E901 which is a glazing agent to provide a shiny coating and protect food. Not much is known about it as a preservative.

Resin- is a hydrocarbon secretion of many plants . It is valued for its chemical properties and associated uses, such as the production of varnished, adhesives, and food glazing agents; as an important source of raw materials for organic synthesis; and as constituents of incense and perfume.

Thiabendazole- is a fungicide and parasiticide that goes under the names mintezol, tresaderm, and arbotect. It is used primarily to control mold, blight, and other fungally caused diseases in fruits and vegetables.

imazortho-phenyl- all I know is it is a fungicide but after 3 google searches I couldn't find anything except a few consumer complaints about the use of fungicides.

imazlil-(finding it will be easier if it was spelled right on the label it's spelled imazalil) (synonyms imazalil, chloramizole) is a fungicide widely used in agriculture, particularly in the growing of citrus fruits.Trade names include Freshgard, Fungaflor, and Nuzone.


  1. I have the same thing here, organic is sometimes expensive, but I prefer it to consuming the extra chemicals, I didn't see if Walmart carries any organic oranges or not. Definitely going to be more selective of my produce in the future, especially if they are going to add 5 extra ingredients that shouldn't have anything to do with food intake for humans.

  2. Interestingly I was looking at the label on a package of clementine's and saw the same ingredients. So I went to look them up and I ran into the exact same issue as you with the imasorthro-phenyl. Hence how I found this site. I wonder why there isn't information about this chemical.
